This photo was the overall winner. It shows two boxer crabs (Lybia tesselata) ready for a fight. The crabs defend themselves by carrying tiny stinging sea anemones in their claws:

The male banded jawfish (Opistognathus macrognathus) holds brooding eggs in its mouth until they're ready to hatch:

This pygmy seahorse is only about a half-inch tall and has flesh that blends masterfully well with the sea fans it lives among:

This shot of a dwarf minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata) was caught just after daybreak on part of Australia's Great Barrier Reef. The photographer was only 6 or 7 feet away:

This shot is of the Molly Miller blenny, also known as the combtooth blenny:

These scarlet-striped cleaning shrimp (Lysmata grabhami) were spotted in the Florida Keys:

Original article here.
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