The world’s tiniest seahorse, Satomi’s Pygmy Seahorse, aka Hippocampus satomiae. Found in Indonesian waters, it is about half an inch tall:

The Deep Blue Chromis or Chromis abyssus was named in honor of the BBC program that funded the trip on which it was discovered. This small blue fish was found in Palau, which is hundreds of miles from anywhere:

The nocturnal Ghost Slug, or Selenochlamys ysbryda, is a member of the family Trigonochlamydidae and was found in a garden in Canton, Wales:

Phobaeticus chani is the world's longest insect, measuring in at 22.3 inches total and with a body length of 14 inches. It is found in Borneo:

Opisthostoma vermiculum is a Malaysian gastropod that has a shell that defies the standard laws of shell twisting. It coils along four separate axes, not three like most of its relatives:

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