Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rare Otter spotted for the first time in 100 years

 To say sightings of Lutra sumatrana, better known as the hairy-nosed otter, in Borneo are rare would be an understatement. The most recent spotting occurred after one of the otters was struck by a car and killed in Brunei. The last live sighting occurred more than 100 years ago.

New photos captured by a camera trap, however, have given conservationists hope for the species on the island.  The camera traps captured photos and video of several different otter species. Initially, researchers believed they had only captured images of smooth-coated otters and Asian small-clawed otters.

Close examination, however, revealed the unique traits of the hairy-nosed otter: a flatter, longer head, a white throat, and darker fur.

Original article here.

The traps also captured images of other otters including this Cynogale bennettii:


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