Below is a sea cucumber, known as a "sea pig." Sea cucumbers are part of a group of marine animals that inhabit the sea floor, including sea squirts, sea stars (starfish), sea slugs, corals, clams, sponges, and urchins.

An Antarctic octopus found at 3,280 feet in southern Antarctica's Ross Sea was one of about 18 octopus species recorded during the survey.

This predatory fish, called a stareater, uses its luminous red chin appendage to lure prey into striking distance.

This 19-inch-long daggertooth sports an iridescent body and sapphire blue eyes. An Antarctic neighbor of the predatory stareater, this fish is one of the southernmost daggertooths ever caught. The animal uses its long mouth and forward-curved teeth immobilize prey, clamping down and pulling back to tear through and paralyze the victim's spine.

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