Once upon a time, parasites were thought to live relatively simple lives: They hitched a ride on a host, sapping nutrients and energy but otherwise leaving it alone. But that was only part of the story. Many parasites actually take control, causing their hosts to act in self-destructive ways that further their invaders' interests.
Below are some examples of parasites from the
original article in Wired.
The Lymantria dispar baculovirus, for example, causes caterpillars to climb into treetops rather than hiding in bark. When those that go uneaten by birds finally die and decompose (as pictured above), viral particles rain onto foliage below, infecting a new generation of caterpillars.
Zombie Ants (below): The Ophiocordyceps fungus releases a chemical related to LSD, causing infected worker ants to leave their nests and find a leaf about 10 inches off the ground. Once there, the ants attach themselves to the leaf's side, then die. Over the next year, Ophiocordyceps consumes their bodies and uses them as a launching site for spores.
Webs for Wasps (below): Wasps are famous for laying eggs in insects that become living meals for their ravenous larvae. Hymenoepimecis wasps take it one step further: On the very evening that the larval wasp will kill its orb-spider host, it causes the spider to make a new type of web. Instead of spinning an elegant skein of concentric circles, the spider makes a structure capable of supporting the cocoon that the larva will build a few hours later, after killing and eating the spider.
Original article