A fungus that lives inside trees in the
Patagonian rain forest naturally makes a mix of hydrocarbons that bears a
striking resemblance to diesel. And the fungus can grow on cellulose, a major component of tree trunks, blades of grass and stalks that is the most abundant carbon-based plant material on Earth.
While genetic engineers have been trying a variety of techniques and genes to get microbes to create fuel out of sugars and starches, almost all commercial biofuel production today uses the century-old dry mill grain process. Existing ethanol plants ferment corn ears into alcohol, which is simple, but wastes the vast majority of the biomatter of the corn plant.
Using the cellulose from plants — the stalk instead of the ear, or simply wood from poplars — to make liquid fuel is a long-held dream because it would be more environmentally efficient and cheaper, but is far more difficult.
First, the cellulose must be broken down into its constituent parts — sugars bearing carbon — and then those pieces must be synthesized into more complex hydrocarbons. Both steps have proven difficult to do without applying large amounts of heat, pressure or chemicals.
What's exciting about the
Gliocladium roseum fungus, however, is that it can both break down cellulose and synthesize the liquid fuel.
(Note that other technologies such as
biomass gasification combined with the
Fischer-Tropsch process have been developed to efficiently produce carbon based fuels using any carbon-based feedstock, such as wood waste, without the need to break down cellulose. This eliminates many of the difficulties associated specifically with "cellulosic" biofuels.)
But beyond the biofuel implications, scientists say that because the fungus can manufacture what we would normally think of as components of crude oil, it casts some doubt on the idea that crude oil is a fossil fuel. It may be the case that organisms like this produced some — maybe not all — of the world's crude oil.
Original article