Friday, September 08, 2006

Tall, Tall, Trees

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the 370-foot "Stratosphere Giant" in the Humboldt Redwoods State Park is the reigning world's tallest tree. However, this summer researchers in California have found not one, but three Redwood trees that exceed the current record holder! The tallest of the three new finds has been named "Hyperion" and measures 378.1 feet. Once confirmed, it is expected to take the top stop in the Guinness book.

Some other interesting Tree Records:

Tallest recorded tree (non-living): Unnamed eucalyptus, 500-plus feet, recorded in 1872 in Australia

Most massive living tree: General Sherman (giant sequoia), estimated weight 4 million pounds, Sequoia National Park

Largest tree canopy: A great banyan in Calcutta's Indian Botanical Garden covers three acres.

Oldest living tree: Methuselah (Bristlecone pine), estimated 4,650 years old, California's White Mountains


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